Day 79: Ashland

From mile 1702.2 to Interstate 5 mile 1716.7 (Ashland)
When we lived in Austin we had one neighbor and they made and hung these huge wind chimes. Windy days were noisy and I hated them. I dreamed about them last night.
I started walking by 6 and after only a quarter mile I heard the chimes. Turned out to be grazing cattle with bells on
I made it to the road by noon and immediately got a ride into town. The guy was not going to town but went out if his way and dropped me off in front of the outfitter.
I got a new t-shirt, new boxers, replaced my pole tips, and got a pair of eclipse glasses. The post office was next and I got my new boots.
I walked another 3 blocks to the hostel. This hostel was nearly hostile. No vacancy signs were out though someone who was staying there said those signs were permanent. No one there to talk to. No one answering the phone.
I ended up getting a room at the Rodeway Inn. 2.5 miles away at the other end of town. Might seem funny for someone who is hiking 20 miles each day to complain about having to walk. Thing is, when I take a break walking is the last thing so want to do.
Tomorrow I will grocery shop, clean gear and ship my old boots back to REI.