Day 36: The Road To Damascus

I cruised today, along the ridge line of Iron Mtn. No major climbs, just lots of small 200 to 400 feet climbs and descents, staying around 3500 feet elevation. I passed the Nick Grindstone monument. In 1979 my Uncle Bob and his mate Carl hiked from TN 91 up to this spot with me. The picture on the home page of skinny 1979 me was taken here.
In some places the trail followed an old woods road and I am now only 10 miles from Damascus, the end of this hike. Of course, the road to Damascus has another meaning for my wife.
I hiked 21.7 miles today. 90.3 miles over the past 5 days, averaging over 18 miles a day. Not bad for a couch potato.

What an astonishing adventure! After being in all that beauty I imagine re-entry is going to be a bit interesting for you! Don’t have to think about that just yet, but soon. Well done Jon!