Day 105: Elk Blowing

From Dark Meadow mile 2293.6 to Anderson Lake mile 2316
For the first half of the day the trail meandered along past a series of ponds, mostly stagnant. The air was hazy with smoke from distant fires. The smell was strong and unpleasant. By afternoon I had a cough and my nose was slammed shut.
If I had paid more attention to my maps I would have seen that the big afternoon climb would not be under cover of trees, instead it was in the hot sun. I did not take enough water and by the time I arrived at Anderson Lake I was parched.
Earlier there were some folks here but they all moved on to the next lake which is only 2.5 miles further north. I have this place to myself. I hiked 22.4 miles but quit early….and enjoyed it!
I did have one good view of Mt Rainier but it was shrouded in smoke.
Added at 11:30pm – my blow up sleeping pad has developed a problem, a huge bulge at one end. It is worse tonight and I am having trouble sleeping. Good news is I am awake to hear the elk blowing/whistling. It is an eerie sound. Understand now why folks have a hard time describing it.