Day 31: Chilly Wimp

I was determined to do big miles today. I was up at 6am, took down the tent and made coffee and oatmeal by flashlight. As soon as it was light enough to see I was on my way.
The trail was pretty but unremarkable. By noon I had gone 10 miles. Then it got cold and started to pour. At 2ish I arrived at the Clyde Smith Shelter in need of water and warmth. The water was way down a side trail and took 40 minutes to get. I was shivering, sniffling and not feeling great. Hot chocolate, hot noodles and dry socks helped a bit but I was still chilled.
Now it was 3:30 and still raining. I had gone only 13.5 miles and needed to do more but the thought of setting up camp in the rain was not appealing. The next shelter was 9 miles away and up 2500 in elevation. I used my inreach to get a weather report and learned that th is rain is supposed to end tonight. So, I wimped. I stayed here, warmed up and got comfy. A lovely couple, Snacks and Temper, also stayed at the shelter.
Tomorrow I have to make up for it.