Day 70: Lots Of Alpine Lakes

From Porcupine Lake mile 1528.8 to mile 1553.4
I made breakfast in bed this morning. Still in my bag, I made coffee and oatmeal just outside my tent. After breakfast I had to get up and hurry out into the woods away from the lake to poop. It was so urgent I didn’t have time to dig first.
Panic…. what you feel when you realize you grabbed your first aid bag instead of your poop kit (toilet paper, wet wipes, trowel, etc).
Relief…. what you feel when you realize you have a roll of gauze.
More pretty lakes and rugged mountains today. The trail stayed between 6500 and 7000 feet all day, generally following contour around the peaks. I started walking at 7am and had 24.6 miles in by 6pm.
I camped near a small stream. There are some weekend hikers next to the stream and I am in a nice site in pines about 50 yards away. A southbound couple came in after I was set up. I saw them looking around for a place to camp and told them they were welcome to camp near me. They did.
I had a fire going right after I stopped here because the smoke helps keep the bugs down. There was already a nice fire circle, log bench and stone seats. It was nice sitting around the fire. Most thru-hikers don’t do fires often, they are too tired.