Day 8: Badlands

Lost Valley Spring mile 119.6 to mile 140.2
Much of today was through area I called Badlands. Very scrubby growth, jumbled terrain with lots of small hills and cuts, hard white sandy soil. Not attractive.
I grabbed water from “Mikes”. Guy has a place just off the trail and allows hikers to get water from his tank. I did not go down to the house where it was reported that beers were available.
The nice little rattler below rattled away at me but then moved off.
Late in the day I got nasty looking water from the stream below Tule spring and then continued on for another 3.5 miles. When you add 6 lbs of water to your pack late in the day you do notice it.
Camped at mile 140.6, a lovely spot with no one else nearby. In the morning I hope to do the 12 miles or so to the Paradise Cafe which is only 1 mile off trail.
Wow, great photos, Jon! It truly is beautiful though you say not attractive. The rattler photo is especially good with even the rattle clearly visible. Love to you every day.