Day 12: Triple Digit Temps

From I10 mile 209.5 to Mission Creek mile 226.2
I ended up sleeping in a recliner at Hillbillies last night. At 6:30 he drove three of us to the trail in his 1949 Ford pickup.
By 9 it was hot. Really hot. Triple digit hot. No shade, no wind, just climbing in the heat. For much of the day I hiled with a 30ish Swiss couple, Samuel and Tamara. This was the worst combination of weather and terrain yet. Approaching Whitewater River was ugly, 1/2 mile wide canyon, boulders, sand and sun.
The river was a small stream close to one side of the canyon with some shade from large boulders. We spent 3 hours there.
Another six miles to the next water was torture. It was only a 16.7 mile day but I was nauseous and had a headache, signs of heat sickness. I barely got my tent up and lay down. When I woke it was almost midnight. Tried to drink but had no appetite. Felt horrible and began to wonder what the heck I was doing.